As a professional company with expertise and competitiveness in the field of plant structural engineering, 

SD ENG leads the energy paradigm shift based on technical expertise and extensive experience, contributing to the foundation for the growth of energy industry.

Engineering for New Nuclear Power Plant Construction

SD ENG possesses design expertise for various nuclear power plant types, including: OPR1000, the Korean standard nuclear power plant APR1400, an advanced pressurized water reactor (PWR) developed in Korea, representing the first overseas construction of Korean nuclear technology.

APR+, a 1500MWe reactor that improves safety and economy through the development of foundational technologies and nuclear core technology. We are actively involved in civil engineering in nuclear power plant construction.

Engineering for

Refurbishment of

Operating Plants

SD ENG provide optimal engineering services for facility improvements and the replacement of equipment and components for operating nuclear power plants.

We offer technical support for obtaining an operating license and analyze various technical challenges at field that arise during the refurbishment program of operating nuclear power plants and provide optimal solutions.

Engineering for SMRs

and Research Reactors

Leveraging extensive design experience with large-scale commercial nuclear power plants, we demonstrate advanced design capabilities that dramatically enhance the safety and cost-effectiveness of innovative Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) plants.

SD ENG participate in construction projects for new research reactors aimed at the self-sufficiency of medical and industrial isotopes as well as their export for overseas use. Our involvement includes taking into account recent licensing trends and providing field engineering technical support for construction management and license acquisition.

Engineering for

Renewable Energy

SD ENG designs wind power, solar power, and tidal power generation structures to produce renewable energy based on our accumulated technology.

SD ENG is actively participating to develop eco-friendly new and renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and joining the international community's efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

Engineering for

Thermal Power Pla

and Infrastructure

SD ENG strengthen engineering capabilities for various thermal power plants such as LNG, combined cycle power plants, and combined heat and power plants, and participate in structural design for the construction of main power generation facilities and auxiliary facilities.

Based on our accumulated experience, we provide optimized engineering services in the fields of bid design, detailed design, and structural analysis of port facilities, and create high-quality design results that meet the strengthened design standards due to climate change.

Seismic Analysis

and Special Analysis 

To ensure that nuclear power plants and all plant facilities have sufficient safety under any natural environmental conditions, we analyze the effects of soil-structure interaction during earthquakes and perform optimized seismic design for facilities.

We secure design safety by analyzing dynamic movement mechanisms for extreme natural environmental conditions and artificial impact loads and ultimate capacity for special structural mechanical conditions, and provide solutions for developing facility management plans for hypothetical accident scenarios.

Seismic Performance Verification

SDENG is a registered company with the Nuclear Safety Foundation that has been certified for its ability to perform seismic performance verification for facilities installed in nuclear power plants.

We contribute to the safe operation of plants by verifying the seismic performance of nuclear power plants and various facilities in plants through analytical techniques and experimental performance evaluation.

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Performances and Expertise


As a professional company with expertise and competitiveness in the field of plant structural engineering, 

SD ENG leads the energy paradigm shift based on technical expertise and extensive experience, 

contributing to the foundation for the growth of energy industry.

Engineering for New Nuclear Power Plant Construction

SD ENG possesses design expertise for various nuclear power plant types, including:

  •  OPR1000, the Korean standard nuclear power plant
  •  APR1400, an advanced pressurized water reactor (PWR) developed in Korea, representing the first overseas construction of Korean nuclear technology.
  • APR+, a 1500MWe reactor that improves safety and economy through the development of foundational technologies and nuclear core technology.

We are actively involved in civil engineering in nuclear power plant construction.

Engineering for Refurbishment of Operating Plants

SD ENG provide optimal engineering services for facility improvements and the replacement of equipment and components for operating nuclear power plants. 

We offer technical support for obtaining an operating license and analyze various technical challenges at field that arise during the refurbishment program of operating nuclear power plants and provide optimal solutions.

Engineering for SMRs and Research Reactors

Leveraging extensive design experience with large-scale commercial nuclear power plants, we demonstrate advanced design capabilities that dramatically enhance the safety and cost-effectiveness of innovative Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) plants.

SD ENG participate in construction projects for new research reactors aimed at the self-sufficiency of medical and industrial isotopes as well as their export for overseas use. 

Our involvement includes taking into account recent licensing trends and providing field engineering technical support for construction management and license acquisition.

for Renewable Energy

SD ENG designs wind power, solar power, and tidal power generation structures to produce renewable energy based on our accumulated technology.

SD ENG is actively participating to develop eco-friendly new and renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and joining the international community's efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

Engineering for Thermal Power Plant and Infrastructure 

SD ENG strengthen engineering capabilities for various thermal power plants such as LNG, combined cycle power plants, and combined heat and power plants, and participate in structural design for the construction of main power generation facilities and auxiliary facilities.

Based on our accumulated experience, we provide optimized engineering services in the fields of bid design, detailed design, and structural analysis of port facilities, and create high-quality design results that meet the strengthened design standards due to climate change.

Seismic Analysis
and Special Analysis            

To ensure that nuclear power plants and all plant facilities have sufficient safety under any natural environmental conditions, we analyze the effects of soil-structure interaction during earthquakes and perform optimized seismic design for facilities.

We secure design safety by analyzing dynamic movement mechanisms for extreme natural environmental conditions and artificial impact loads and ultimate capacity for special structural mechanical conditions, and provide solutions for developing facility management plans for hypothetical accident scenarios.

Seismic Performance Verification 

SD ENG is a registered company with the Nuclear Safety Foundation that has been certified for its ability to perform seismic performance verification for facilities installed in nuclear power plants. We contribute to the safe operation of plants by verifying the seismic performance of nuclear power plants and various facilities in plants through analytical techniques and experimental performance evaluation.

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